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I like to work in spaces that allow my practice to evolve, outside the comfort of the workshop.

Urbanism Installation  – BELZ Media Library – Amélie Lainé - 2022

Installation of a participatory work to create a cardboard city according to my artistic style. I will create buildings, symbolic monuments of the city of Belz in cardboard, these places which will be preserved by the municipalities thanks to the power of their history, these places that survive us. By trying to place them on the place that will be reserved for me, respecting the city map, the roads that punctuate our movements. 
Thanks to Ms. Catalogna and her team, creative workshops will be offered to residents and schoolchildren, in order to animate this project. They will be invited to create a building, a place, a plant, an urban or transport installation, everything that animates a city, everything they want with their sensitivity. The purpose of this work is not to make a realistic model but rather to initiate a reflection on our involvement in the space we occupy. 

Les Arbres de vie - 2021

Œuvre participative (cartons et tissus récupérés, peinture acrylique, fil de laine) pendant le parcours artistique Art et Patrimoine à Huisseau-sur-Mauves.


 J’ai réalisé cette œuvre avec les enfants et les maîtresses de l’école élémentaire de Huisseau-sur-Mauves sous forme d’ateliers créatifs. J’ai d’abord installé les 5 arbres en cartons sur le grillage du parking de l’école, les enfants sont venus ajouter des morceaux de carton pour poursuivre les branches des arbres. Lors du deuxième atelier, les enfants ont peint des morceaux de tissu à la peinture sur le thème de la vie, ils les ont ensuite accrochés sur le grillage avec les arbres.

Landscapes - 2020

The Contemporary Art Center L'ArTsenal, in Dreux, asked me to produce an installation for the exhibition "The fields of possibilities". Its theme is the Environment.

The installation presents different elements put in place to show a confrontation between several landscapes: urban, forest and wild, in front of a fragmented sky.

Card Tree - 2019

This installation was created for the 500th anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci's death and the “Renaissances” region's call for projects, with the ERYA association of which I am an active member. The Courtenay Cultural Center presented my work “The card tree”.

I chose this theme because Leonardo Da Vinci was an observer of nature and lived in the period of great explorations and the rise of geographical maps. They allow an overview of the world and an understanding of certain connections between people or nature. Mine are current, they represent the existing borders and the issues of our time around the environment.

I really like geographic maps for the visual information they give without imposing an answer, they correspond to my definition of a work of art.

On the maps, I chose to reverse the position of the animals in these regions, as they are endangered by environmental degradation and the plastic that invades the seas.

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